[DOWNLOAD] Movavi PDF Editor 1.0.0 [MacOS]

Looking for a PDF reader for Mac with good editing tools? Most of the software for Mac that you can find online for download is not that great. Free desktop apps usually lack advanced options and have inadequate formatting tools, and higher-quality paid programs can be out of the question because of their high price. We decided to combine the best features of the available OS X PDF editors without the drawbacks to come up with a Mac PDF Editor you’ll like. Create and update contract drafts, combine multiple scans into PDF files, and much more!

PDF and Image Viewing

Read standard PDF documents on Mac computers: text documents, articles, forms, booklets, and more
Open pictures in PNG or JPG formats
Switch between tabs in open documents
Scale pages from 25% to 400%

Document Editing

Change page order and add new pages to PDFs
Update catalogues when products or prices change
Select just the pages you need from a larger document and delete the rest
Rotate pages by 90° or 180° if they were scanned in the wrong orientation

File Merging

Export documents, images, and projects from Word, Excel, Photoshop, or AutoCAD as PDFs, then open and combine them in the PDF Editor
Create a single PDF document to store scans of receipts or monthly reports
No need to re-scan a large document if one or two pages weren’t scanned correctly: scan just those pages again and add them to the original PDF file

Page Export

Save the contents of individual PDF pages from larger documents as standalone PDFs
Extract pages as JPG or PNG images
Save images as PDF pages

System Requirements

Mac OS Ð¥® 10.7 or higher
64-bit Intel® processor
1280 × 768 screen resolution, 32-bit color
80 MB available hard disk space for installation, 250 MB for ongoing operations
Administrator permissions are required for installation



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